A union representative said it felt workers were being treated as 'second class citizens'
Employment tribunal sought over claims firm tried to induce workers to leave union in long-running row
Exclusive: Action by organisation supporting migrants argues new rules are discriminatory
José Andrés, founder of organisation, told mourners gathered at Washington National Cathedral how the loss of his staff ‘should inspire us to do better’
Denounced as giving a ‘veneer of legality to slaveholding’, the kafala labour code persists, allowing employers to abuse women, who vanish from society. This is the testimony of some of those workers, gathered over two years in a Guardian i ...
Cleaners dangled 33m from the road on Tower Bridge as they cleaned the underside of the structure's glass walkways for the first time in 10 years. Footage from the City Bridge Foundation shows rope access specialists hanging from the iconic fixture o ...
Unite said around 700 of its members at Barts NHS Trust and contractor Synergy will walk out from May 7-19
The Basque Country’s Mondragón Corporation is the globe’s largest industrial co-operative, with workers paying for the right to share in its profits – and its losses. In return for giving more to their employer, they expect more bac ...
Several newly-unemployed workers told Io Dodds that the layoffs seemed to strike chaotically, without rhyme or reason, with Elon Musk’s actions resulting in one investor declaring: “Only him and Kanye West have reached this level of people’s di ...
Coffee chain brings challenge after being told to rehire seven workers at Tennessee store who pursued effort to unionize
Falls, slips and trips accounted for 865 worker fatalities in 2022 – more than 400 of whom worked in construction
An activist group says Google fired at least 20 more workers in the aftermath of protests over technology the company is supplying the Israeli government amid the Gaza war
A zoo in Florida is mourning after Juliet, believed to be one of the oldest manatees in the world, died aged 65 on Sunday 21 April. Weighing in at more than 3,000 pounds, Juliet was rescued back in 1956 along with her soon-to-be mate Romeo. She spent ...
Shop workers were said to go between the van and shop counter in order to supply customers with illicit products
Several newly-unemployed workers told Io Dodds that the layoffs seemed to strike chaotically, without rhyme or reason, with Elon Musk’s actions resulting in one investor declaring: “Only him and Kanye West have reached this level of people’s di ...
Shawn Fain tells the Guardian he expects ‘more of the same to come’ after celebrating union’s historic victory at Tennessee plant
The couple preyed on their fellow Filipinos, many of whom worked at a hospital in South London
UK debt advice charity warns that cost of living crisis and higher rents are pushing younger full-time workers into difficulties
A woman called 999 over 2,000 times in three years, swearing at call handlers and asking them to send her the number for the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP). Sonia Nixon, 56, of Lyon Road, Harrow, used 17 different mobile numbers to dial the e ...