Ukrainian president invited Trump to ukraine but says if he returns to White House he could make unilateral concessions to Russia
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy says he's worried at the prospect of Donald Trump returning to the White House
Fire sweeps 1,000 square metres area in Bryansk oil depot after ukraine ‘aeroplane-style drone’ attack
Volodymyr Zelensky has invited Donald Trump to visit Kyiv, following his assertion that the former US president could stop the Russia-ukraine war within 24 hours if re-elected. The Ukrainian president made the comments during an interview with Channe ...
Russian media outlet Tass says the fire in Bryansk is 1000 square metres wide and affecting four oil tankers
Zelensky invites Trump to ukraine but worries his ‘end war in 24 hours’ talk is ‘very dangerous’
Kharkiv, only 25 miles from Russia, has been under constant attack since the start of the war in ukraine. Now fragments of rockets from North Korea are being found among the debris
Britain, Austria and Georgia are having national elections this year alongside polls for the European Parliament
Russian outlets are claiming that the drone struck between two fuel tanks in a St Petersburg oil facility
Ms Greene insisted said she opposed the CR because she did not want to fund the defence of ukraine
Foreign secretary says there are legal, moral and political justifications for using assets of $350bn
The attack on an oil facility is a rare strike on St Petersburg, where Russia’s leader was born
Biden meets congressional leaders over aid to ukraine; Zelenskiy says Ukrainians must show allies they hold the initiative
Biden meets congressional leaders over aid to ukraine; Zelenskiy says Ukrainians must show allies they hold the initiative
Rasmussen says it would be detrimental for America’s national security interests for Russia to win war against ukraine
Russia claimed that ukraine fired at least 12 drones across the border, targeting the Voronezh and Belgorod regions