Probably the most fun I've had making something. This is a US State Flag tier List/Ranking video. Which US state flags are bad? Which ones are good? Stick ar...
A Florida family were left hungry and confused after a black bear stole a food delivery from the front porch. In doorbell camera footage, a driver is seen dropping off the food and moments later, the animal approaches the front door and walks off wit ...
<p>A team of researchers led by <a href="https://www.mcgill.ca/edu-ecp/tina-montreuil">Tina Montreuil</a>, Associate Professor in McGill’s Department of Educational and Counsel ...
It is difficult to overstate just how much better everything would be for everyone except the parasites if software patents were abolished.
Sign up to Brilliant using my link to start your 30-day free trial and get 20% off your an annual subscription: https://brilliant.org/tierZoo3D Animation: VF...
Prime minister due to wrap up AI safety summit at Bletchley Park as Labour calls for urgent regulation
On Israel’s Lebanese frontier, aggression is rising on both sides – but not everyone believes a two-front war is inevitable
Performers say Spotlight's plans to offer pricier options risked pricing out working class talent.
The ad-supported option will allow viewers to access the streaming platform’s content for a cheaper price of £4.99 compared with its ad-free plans.
A new paper in the journal Nature Reviews Earth & Environment revealed that human activities are making Earth’s air, soil and freshwater saltier, which could pose an “existential threat” if current trends continue. Geologic and hydrolog ...
The UK is hosting the first AI Safety Summit to look at the possible dangers around the emerging technology.
Experts say focus of the UK’s global AI summit on ‘frontier AI’ distracts from regulation of existing ills of technology
The platforms' owner Meta said its new subscription was about addressing EU concerns, rather than making money.
Hundreds of people are employed at the construction site in the German city's Uberseequartier.
The toad is designed to be ‘as whimsical as possible without being too scary’.