The authors use a regional ocean model to project ocean-driven ice-shelf melt in the Amundsen Sea. Already committed rapid ocean warming drives increased melt, regardless of emission scenario, suggesting extensive ice loss from West Antarctica.
Future sea-level rise may have been underestimated, a new study warns, with more melt "locked in".
UK report says victims in the industry are encouraged to speak out but can then face bullying and humiliation
Future sea-level rise may have been underestimated, a new study warns, with more melt "locked in".
Cross-neutralizing activity of monoclonal antibodies against poliovirus serotypes is less commonly reported. In this study, the authors use high-resolution cryo-EM to reveal that a cross-neutralizing human antibody neutralizes all three poliovirus se ...
Scientists shed new light on satelliteâs formation by studying lunar dust from Apollo 17 mission
Purpose This study evaluated the feasibility and utility of longitudinal cough frequency monitoring with the Hyfe Cough Tracker, a mobile application equipped with cough-counting artificial intelligence algorithms, in real-world patients with chronic ...
A study of 500 health people has found that antibodies can develop against polyethylene glycol (PEG), a substance used in cosmetics, food and medicine, which might hinder the effectiveness of drugs.
Malaria parasites from patients who fail atovaquone therapies are highly drug-resistant, with mutations at Y268 in cytochrome b. Here the authors show that this mutation results in multiple defects in the parasite’s development and prevents transmi ...
SARS-CoV-2 infection causes transient cardiorespiratory and neurological disorders, and severe acute illness is rare among children. Post COVID-19 condition (PCC) may cause profound, persistent phenotypes with increasing prevalence. Its manifestation ...
Cognition and brain scientists at Freie Universität Berlin publish study on causal effects of language on thought