New information on the moon‘s evolution suggests that it may have turned itself inside out, according to NASA researchers. Simulations conducted by NASA show the moon’s mantle, the layer of hot rock beneath the moon’s crust, overturnin ...
Findings could lead to new types of therapies or drugs that could ‘mimic the gene’s protective effect’, researchers say.
Remains at a burial site in Patagonia suggests that Dusicyon avus was a valuable companion to hunter-gatherers
A mysterious “surfboard” orbiting the moon has been captured in incredible photographs from Nasa. Nasa photographed a sliver of a mysterious, surfboard-shaped object near the surface of the moon. Further studies show that Nasa’s Lunar ...
It represents ‘a unique case’ of partnership between a human and a wild South American fox, scientists say.
Remains at a burial site in Patagonia suggests that Dusicyon avus was a valuable companion to hunter-gatherers
The scientist predicted the existence of the Higgs boson particle in 1964.
Professor Peter Higgs theorised about the particle and won a Nobel Prize for his work in 2013.
The scientist predicted the existence of the Higgs boson particle in 1964.
The Large Hadron Collider on the Swiss-French border tracked down the particle that has his name.
The study involved 285 people who had experienced their first episode of psychosis and 261 people who have never had the mental health condition
Childhood loneliness may serve as an early risk factor for later psychotic disorders, scientists say.
I’d love to feel the beautiful mysteries of the universe. But I have other interests, writes Zoe Williams
A hug, or even the sensation of a weighted blanket, could help improve health
For scientists a total solar eclipse can be a fleeting chance to understand something deeper about their field of research. Madeleine Finlay meets professors Huw Morgan and Adam Hartstone-Rose to find out what they hoped to learn from 8 April’s ...
Each pregnancy is linked with an additional two to three months of biological ageing, researchers say
The findings suggest touch is beneficial for physical and mental health.
You might have to travel a bit – and wait a few years – but there will be another eclipse as long as the sun, moon and Earth are in orbit
Researchers found that those with long Covid showed a pattern of immune system activation
More consensual touch helps ease or buffer against mental and physical complaints, meta-analysis shows