You are mistaking the familiar refrains of your internal monologue for truth. The more you practise new messages the truer they will feel
So Prince Harry is a living legend of aviation? Why not, says Marina Hyde; Bernie Sanders on what happens if Trump wins – and how to stop him; and mushroom macchiato, anyone? Are the new boosted coffees worth the hype?
They were fast, brightly dressed, sometimes earned decent money and rarely obeyed the Highway Code
If your daughter is as successful as you say, it’s probably best that you, as the proud father, keep your nose out and let her be herself
Sometimes screens and nothing time can be exactly what we need, writes advice columnist Eleanor Gordon-Smith, but long term they can set a trap
My father used to tell me that everything is resolved by walking. He was right. A daily walk became my therapy, and I haven’t stopped yet
I’m not naturally overflowing with contentment, and I’m not optimistic that this Californian programme is the answer – but I’m ready to give Big JOY a chance
Brief letters: A good start to the year | It pays to be wealthy | Time for more recognition | The best crime-fighting duos
We used to have an amazing time in bed. Then my 18-year-old stepson started hanging around the house …
I explained the situation and was given an apology on the phone but kept receiving letters and calls
Let’s face it, improving overall health can seem hard to do, but it doesn’t have to be. Here are some simple steps to start living better today
Your fourth decade might feel rather early to be thinking about your physical wellbeing in older age, but your body will thank you if you take preventive action today
While there are lots of ways we can put our heart health at risk, the good news is there are many ways to help protect it too
You don't need to be a fitness freak to deal with life's twists and turns – start by eating colourful veg and work on your breathing
I’m confused about the origin of some products as dried chickpeas from Sainsbury’s don’t say where they’re from, but some basmati rice does
Letters: Mothers should be informed of their choices, not coerced into breastfeeding, writes Jess Haigh. Plus letters from Barbara Wallis, Dr Heather Parry, Dr Janet Dawson and Peggy Thomas
Once confined to weightlifting, workout hype tracks have become a hugely popular (and profitable) genre online. Jenny Valentish goes in search of the daddy of them all
Now is the time to say ‘No!’ says Philippa Perry. It will feel frightening, but you must do it anyway and, with time, you will feel more confident
In theory, approaching strangers with bizarre requests, destined to be refused, makes you a better person. But can soul-crushing embarrassment really strengthen your character?
Your husband’s behaviour is entirely his own fault – but before you take any action, ring a helpline for advice