South Korea’s president has dismissed calls for independent investigations into allegations involving his wife and top officials
Kyiv running out of manpower to continue waging war and rotate out exhausted frontline soldiers
UK expels Russian military officer and shuts diplomatic properties; ukraine says its drone output matches Russia. What we know on day 806
Lithuania has defended the decision not to allow Russian and Belarusian observers to monitor its upcoming presidential election, accusing both countries of spearheading campaigns that “pose a threat to our national security.”
Foreign secretary will say too few states have stepped up to spend on defence, take on Iranian proxies or champion women’s rights
10% of the windfall profits will fund non-lethal aid to assuage EU member states that do not wish to fund arms
Several Russian diplomatic premises that UK believes have been used by Russian intelligence also closed
World must not give a chance to new Nazism, says ukraine’s president Volodymyr Zelensky on X
Italy’s president says Russia’s invasion of ukraine can’t be solved by rewarding its aggression and peace can only come when ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity are restored
President would have been caught and executed, and spy chief targeted from the air; ‘about half’ of North Korean missiles duds. What we know on day 804
Two Ukrainian colonels allegedly recruited by FSB to kill president as inauguration ‘gift’ for Vladimir Putin
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has survived dozens of assassination attempts. ukraine’s security service has foiled at least three
Belarus has launched drills involving missiles and warplanes capable of carrying tactical nuclear weapons
Russian president claims mandate for ukraine invasion and ‘correctness of the country’s course’
The failed kidnap assassination was supposed to be a ‘gift’ to Vladimir Putin ahead of his inauguration, the head of ukraine’s secret service claimed
Many European diplomats avoid lavish Moscow ceremony and Ukrainian security service says it has caught a network of Russian agents
Watch live as an inauguration ceremony is held for Russian president Vladimir Putin on Tuesday 7 May, after he claimed a landslide victory in sham elections, extending his rule for another six years.
Russian leader starts new six-year term as his military ramps up war in ukraine