Researchers found that heavily intoxicated individuals did not rate the looks of people in photos as more attractive.
A figurine from one the worldâs oldest known human settlements reveals much about the history and potential of female power, says science journalist Angela Saini
Exclusive: study published in 2019 used blood and saliva samples from 203 Uyghur and Kazakh people living in Xinjiang capital
Public health schemes such as London’s Ulez can be traced back to the study that found an association between air pollution and mortality
Exclusive: lack of resources to treat people whose ill health is often worsened by poverty is taking a heavy toll on medicsâ wellbeing
study finds rhotic speech that survives in pocket of east Lancashire around Blackburn becoming less common
The ‘strong r’ is becoming rare among younger generations in the North West, researchers have found.
International research indicates giving infants nirsevimab would cause sharp drop in rates of respiratory syncytial virus infection
study that involved transplanting people’s microbes into mice may show way to possible therapies, say scientists
The study identified 15 risk factors, which are similar to those for late-onset dementia, including hearing impairment, heart disease, social isolation and lower socioeconomic status
Scientists are studying how a decline in our olfactory abilities can signal conditions such as Alzheimer’s
The animals combine sleeping and digesting, researchers found after extracting reindeer brain data
Sniffing emotional tears from women can cut male aggression by more than 40% and cause changes in brain
Images might have helped AI systems produce realistic sexual imagery of fake children; the database was taken down in response
French wild pansies are producing smaller flowers and less nectar than 20 to 30 years ago in âstartlingâ act of evolution, study shows