Seth Meyers takes a moment to address some of the errors from this week of Late Night, like saying Doritos are potato chips and Stevie Nicks wears scarves.La...
Lower energy Price Cap coming into effect this autumn but stubborn inflation means further interest rate hike likely to continue to place strain on mortgage holders
Electricity Grids and Secure energy Transitions - Analysis and key findings. A report by the International energy Agency.
GfK said accelerating costs of energy, fuel and mortgages combined with uncertainty in the Middle East is behind the fall.
OBR says it underestimated strength and persistence of inflation as well as impact of high energy prices
What Drives Obesity - Diets High in Fat? Carbohydrates? Actually, it’s Everything – and Fructose is at the Center
Around 40% of Brits are keeping their heating off, as NGOs issue stark warnings of a coming crisis.
The coal and gas we provide internationally makes us powerful – and we waste it being craven to the mining industry
Lower energy Price Cap coming into effect this autumn but stubborn inflation means further interest rate hike likely to continue to place strain on mortgage holders
The world may have crossed a “tipping point” that will inevitably make solar power our main source of energy, new research suggests. The study, based on a data-driven model of technology and economics, finds that
Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin posed for photos with other world leaders at the opening of the Belt and Road Forum in Beijing to mark the initiative’s 10th anniversary on Wednesday, 18 October. China’s president and Russia’s president were joine ...
<p>A research study led by University of Oklahoma assistant professor Chenghao Wang and recently published in the journal <em>Nature Communications</em> tackled the critical issue of how city-scale building e ...