Halifax says typical house prices in early 2024 have ‘largely plateaued’ but predicts they will rise later in the year
The Muslim Vote, which aims to organise voters against MPs who did not back a ceasefire in the conflict, has called for the Labour leader to apologise for his early stance on Israel’s campaign against Hamas
Exclusive: Audience had ‘vitriolic reaction’ to European tone of musical, forced to close early
The number of people expressing a negative opinion about the House of Mouse was nearly twice as high as any other company in the survey
Authorities halted an auction of the work and put an export ban on it
Researchers say more bodies of Herero and Nama people from early 20th century concentration camp could be in waters around port
There have been no arrests yet after the man was found just before 5am
Apart from its brief stint as a war bunker, the Tube station in Mayfair has sat empty and idle for almost a century
Police are now looking for two people who are accused of fraud offences relating to the use of disabled badges
In one day in Washington DC, a toddler was killed by stray gunfire and a teenager nearly lost her life, Kelly Rissman writes.
PM under pressure from senior Conservatives to move party further to the right in a desperate bid to hold on to power after catastrophic loss of nearly 500 council seats
Australian brothers Jake and Callum Robinson and their American friend Carter Rhoad disappeared nearly a week ago
Rob Ford was part of the BBC team analysing the local election results as they poured in over the past 48 hours. Here he tells how a dramatic set of results for the government unfolded
New research has found that every pound saved in closing police stations costs the rest of us £3
Australian brothers Jake and Callum Robinson and their American friend Carter Rhoad disappeared nearly a week ago
Australian brothers Jake and Callum Robinson and their American friend Carter Rhoad disappeared nearly a week ago
Australian brothers Jake and Callum Robinson and their American friend Carter Rhoad disappeared nearly a week ago
Conservative MP Jonathan Gullis was mocked by Labour’s Jonathan Ashworth as Tory councillors lost seats across the country in the local elections. Mr Ashworth goaded the Tory deputy chairman during the BBC’s local election results programme ...
With fewer than a third of council elections declared so far, the Conservative party appears on course to lose up to 500 seats