Perhaps it may be painful for her to look at why she’s so cold, so she chooses to be in denial, writes Philippa Perry
In her fortnightly review of fitness and wellbeing activities, comedian Jennifer Wong endures two wheels, 45 minutes and the sounds of 50 Cent.
I was told that I would have to pay for a replacement as the one-year warranty had expired
Stalking was making my life at McMurdo Station a misery. In the ice-covered sea, I discovered how much the world still had to give
I don’t want to leave him. Must I suppress my own desire?
Relationships can be tough and there’s no shame in calling in the professionals. We want to hear what happened afterwards
Somehow I had felt a tragic sense of foreboding, but nothing could prepare me for the loss of Raphaël when it came. By Liz Jensen
Spend time with people who make you feel good, says Philippa Perry. And hold your theories about your siblings more lightly
Kirsten Callaghan tells how she had to deal with rain, rough seas and mackerel for a film about Mercedes Gleitze’s pioneering 1927 feat
It’s not up to you to fix this, but it might be worth asking her what’s going on
The secrets of highly persuasive people, from a hostage negotiator to a TV producer
He is disabled and paying £144-£175 a month for a TV/broadband/landline package
Sarah, 36, and Josie, 41, met in hospital in 2021, when they were both having babies and visiting hours were restricted due to Covid
After signing up to the scheme £700 had been taken from my account
Things were great at the start. Less than two years on, she seems to be losing interest
Strongman contests are awesome displays of power, grip, agility, skill and strategic thinking. Outside the competitions, though, things get a bit weird …
Nordic children are out in nature for hours a day – and they top rankings in both education and happiness. So here are seven parenting tips I’ve picked up along the way…
From Tucker Carlson to Johnny Depp, a celebrity bromance is the must-have accessory for modern dictators, says Marina Hyde; the Libertines on feuds, friendship and their tortured reunion; and how habituation, a simple behavioural trick, can help you ...
It sounds as if there might be something else at play here. Either way, I’d think seriously about whether you actually want the friendship to continue
Whether you go to the gym with siblings or run with your parents, we would like to hear from you