Jeffrey Epstein victim Sarah Ransome has doubled down on allegations that the convicted paedophile made sex tapes of Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton, and Richard Branson. Ms Ransome alleged in the newly released files that Epstein would film her “friend” having sex with each of the men. After making the claims in 2016, she then later retracted them. In 2019 Ms Ransome publicly admitted that she had invented the story and through her own admission confirmed that her original claims were baseless. In an interview with Good Morning Britain on Tuesday (9 January), Ms Ransome claimed she was forced to take back the allegations after her family was threatened by Ghislaine Maxwell and “others”. Ms Ransome said it is “no secret” that the alleged tapes were made. “There are videos that exist. The people that know they exist I’m sure are very frightened of them being released,”she said. The Independent has reached out to representatives for the Clintons, Mr Branson and Prince Andrew for comment. All three deny the allegations against them. A Virgin Group spokesperson said: “We categorically reject all allegations made by Sarah Ransome. In 2019 she admitted to The New Yorker that the ‘tapes’ had been ‘invented’. Any suggestion that Sir Richard Branson was involved in a “sex tape” is entirely false. The allegations are baseless and unfounded.” “The actions of Jeffrey Epstein were abhorrent and we support the right to justice for the many victims impacted by his abuse.”