Insects from the famous Royal Navy flagship are helping experts plot the genome of the notorious timber pest
Scientists hope wealth of prehistoric material in Wogan Cavern in Wales is well preserved enough to reveal what really happened to our most ancient ancestors
How modern archaeological research has rescued the reputation of the world’s most remote ancient civilisation
Study suggests exposure to chemicals manufactured to resist water and heat likely to affect health of offspring
Research raises possibility that tirzepatide could become first pharmaceutical treatment for the sleeping disorder
Researchers challenge long-held idea that islanders chopped down palm trees at an unsustainable rate
Scientists call for regulation to stop regional use of marine cloud brightening having negative impact elsewhere
Conservationists hope insects carrying ‘birth control’ bacteria can save honeycreeper being wiped out by malaria
Lokiceratops, named after Norse god Loki, is possibly fifth species of Ceratops and roamed Earth nearly 78m years ago
Palaeontologists at the University of Portsmouth said the folklore ‘relies on interpretations and proposals that don’t withstand scrutiny’.
Study finds same-sex sexual behaviour in primates and other mammals widely observed but seldom published
Plans to show The Last Screenwriter, whose script is credited to ‘ChatGPT 4.0’, prompted complaints although the film-makers insist the feature is ‘a contribution to the cause’
Ian Sample and science correspondent Hannah Devlin discuss some of the science stories that have made headlines this week, from a glimpse of a black hole awakening, to a new blood test that can detect Parkinsonâs seven years before symptoms appe ...
Regular strolls improved patients’ quality of life and the amount of time they had to take off work almost halved, the researchers said.