Introduction Plastics used in everyday materials accumulate as waste in the environment and degrade over time. The impacts of the resulting particulate micro- and nanoplastics on human health remain largely unknown. In pregnant mice, we recently demo ...
A protocol using large-scale training of graph networks enables high-throughput discovery of novel stable structures and led to the identification of 2.2 million crystal structures, of which 381,000 are newly discovered stable materials.
Astronomers have discovered six planets orbiting a bright, nearby star in perfect synchrony like a grand cosmic orchestra. The rare find can help explain how solar systems across the Milky Way galaxy came to be.
The resource, which is on the move to Manchester, now ranks as the world’s most important health database
<p>Social media use is associated with risky health behaviours in young people including increased alcohol, drug and tobacco use, anti-social behaviour, risky sexual behaviours and gambling, finds a review of the latest evidence publish ...
Among other things, the data could enable researchers to look at a person’s individual risk of common disease.
They arrived like rock stars 12 years ago and their love life was the source of endless speculation.
The marshmallow test, designed to measure children’s self-control in the face of temptation, is one of history’s most famous psychological experiments. New research suggests that it may also measure their interest in social approval.
Findings indicate bird-like feet evolved much earlier than previously thought, possibly by 60 million years.
Climate contradictions key at UN talks. Less future warming projected, yet there's more current pain
Experts say the world is heading for considerably less warming than projected a decade ago, but that good news is overwhelmed by much more pain from current climate change than scientists anticipated.
The pandemic provided young adults with a positive respite from societal pressure, a Northeastern study says.
On a 51-ion quantum simulator, we investigate locality of entanglement Hamiltonians for a Heisenberg chain, demonstrating Bisognano–Wichmann predictions of quantum field theory applied to lattice many-body systems, and observe the transition from a ...